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New era in injectable body treatments aims to smooth sagging skin

By Megan Bedford

New era in injectable body treatments aims to smooth sagging skin
The first injectable treatment for the skin on your body focuses on skin laxity and inducing new collagen in the area.

Crepey, sagging skin, particularly around the décolletage, arms or tummy has long been a bugbear of many, with few options to address it.

But innovation in injectable appearance treatments has continued in recent years and now a new launch is providing one avenue to address the issue.

Profhilo is a facial treatment that has gained popularity since its launch in 2015 in Europe.

Using ultrapure injectable hyaluronic acid, unlike those used to add volume in the lips or cheeks, Profhilo has a runnier consistency that distributes evenly over a larger area beneath the surface of skin to give an overall smoother appearance to ageing and sagging tissue.

The treatment is said to hydrate and firm skin and is shown to have a stimulatory effect on the cells producing collagen and elastin to help tighten, lift and improve skin quality for a more youthful look.

A version to treat previously hard to treat areas on the body has also been created. Having just launched in New Zealand, the treatment is expected to be available in Australia shortly.

“Profhilo Body can be used to treat the ageing process that results in skin laxity and crepiness resulting in fine lines and wrinkles and loss of structure,” explains cosmetic medicine physician, Dr Ellen Selkon.

“It also hydrates the skin as it has a high concentration of ultrapure hyaluronic acid.”

“Abdomen, top of the arms, above knees, décolletage, and hands are main areas [that it is used to treat],” Dr Selkon explains.

“However, any area of the body where the skin is dehydrated or has signs of skin laxity will respond well.”

She says it’s important to note it is not a treatment for cellulite.

“Mums who have recently had babies or those who have recently undertaken a weight loss journey will benefit immensely from this treatment.”

Dr Selkon says another upside is the included post-treatment patch.

“It contains complex hyaluronic acids, arnica and strong antioxidant activity and a peptide-containing body cream which adds to the results.”



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